Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Must Read..Book!!!

Looking back my days in the recent past, I do not finding myself in a good shape. Always pessimistic enough to ruin myself. I did not know how negative thought got instilled into me. "This is not the time to analyse that dude", my inner voice shouted inside my head. Yes, this is not the time to do that, rather this is time to try and erase those from my mind.

First step towards reaching that goal is reading some good books, though I am not a voracious reader, I am trying to become one. Started reading books, that too specific enough to create transformation inside me. Selection, there comes a question, how can I know which is a good book. I knocked many doors to get some details about the books. Many suggested the book which I am going to explain in this, 'tuesdays with morrie'. I am 150% sure that this book will transform your life in a day, becaus that is the time taken to finish this, short and sweet.

Mitch Albom, demonstrates his ability to attract and to create transformation in everybody's life. The way he narrates the story makes one not to realise the changes happening around the world when he is reading this. That is the kind of impact I felt while reading this.
In this book, Morrie, a professor, sorry a coach, who is on his death bed, describes how to see the life so that one can stay positive even when he is going to die. He explains about family, money etc., etc., You may ask me how the book got its name. This book can be considered as a course, where the author meets the professor each tuesday and they both take up an issue (which a normal human considers as a problem) and discuss about that.

I am really able to feel the tranformation, that book made in me. I would certainly recommend this book to all the people who need transformation in them. Though I am not a good reviewer of the books, I thought I can act as a catalyst for a transformation to some people, who feel exactly the same way as how I felt some days back.

Stay Positive, try to approach things in a positive way. That is the moral that is reached.


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